#111 sssd info plugin can't be properly enabled from UI
Closed: Fixed None Opened 9 years ago by rcritten.

If the sssd info plugin isn't configured at install time then enabling it via the UI isn't going to work. We need to update the SSSD configuration, restart it, and add Apache configuration as well, none of which is possible from the web server.

Fields changed

milestone: => 1.0

For now just display a message that the plugin cannot be configured in the UI and point the user to the man pages.

Fields changed

owner: => rcritten
status: new => accepted

Using a bit of a hack to achieve this for now by using the call_location value to determine where the call came from: the info common or the admin common. If from info then this is during bootstrap so it's ok. If from admin it's from the UI so not ok, reject.

Patch available in my no_sssd_ui branch.

patch_available: 0 => 1

Fields changed

owner: rcritten => simo
status: accepted => assigned

master: e6a3656

resolution: => fixed
status: assigned => closed

Fields changed

rhbz: => 0

Metadata Update from @nkinder:
- Issue assigned to simo
- Issue set to the milestone: 1.0

7 years ago

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