#57 Need spot on wiki for something along the lines of "Looking for a roommate"
Closed: Fixed None Opened 13 years ago by rbergero.

We should probably have a section on the wiki for people who are actively looking for a roommate. Not sure where the best place to put it is; maybe below the attendee registration, or in the "hotel information" section?

If people need a roommate, they can mark that in the roomshare box. "Yes" with no name (in my mind) means, "I want/need a roommate." To make it clearer, people could mark "Need roomie" or something. Sounds like the answers to this and ticket #56 would make a good blog entry for someone... ;-)

Didn't hear any response to this, but I explained the use of the "Room sharing" here:


What else do we need to do to close this ticket?

Closing since no one thinks there's anything else to do here.

Milestone Tempe 2011: Wiki complete deleted

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