#447 Funding request for JULITA INCA
Closed: Fixed None Opened 10 years ago by yulytas.

Please set the "Component" below to the correct event for your request.

Tell us the following:

I want to be part of the event as a volunteer, I can help a lot in the organization as chairman, and I also want to know people from the community in order to stablish a real contact in order to participate in documentation, mamaning wiki, administration and marketing.

Hello, I have also proposed a talk related to tuning.
My talk tittle: "Tuning my Fedora 19 using GNOME" ::
Tunning your laptop is a good practice that you must know in order to maintain your machine properly. Power saving mode, monitor calibration, options in terminal, I/O performance and buffer-cache are some cool stuff to start.

Dear Fedora Ambassadors, based on our last meeting I am attaching the ticket flight that I paid (Lima - Cuzco - Lima) in order to receive the reimbursement in cash during the event on September 25th.
I am still in the range of the approval subsidy so I hope I can get the hotel room.
Thank you again Fedora, I really want to start the real contribution and this event will let me plan with my mentor and other members of the community.

I paid Julita 186 soles on September 27th out of my own pocket, so that she could get her reimbursement.

I have been reimbursed by Red Hat for this ticket, so I'm closing it now.

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