#41 Funding request for Dave Riches
Closed: Fixed None Opened 13 years ago by dcr226.

Tell us the following:

* What do you need covered? (Please estimate the costs in USD.)

Hotel and Flight costs. Flight from Heathrow, London to Pheonix 28th January approx $500.

* Will a partial subsidy be helpful? (Yes/No)

Yes, it would be great even if you can just sponsor the hotel, I have put my name down for room sharing.

* What will you accomplish by being at FUDCon? (Please be as specific as possible.)

As an op on #fedora, I would appreciate the time getting to know the rest of the ops team in person, and finding out first-hand about new technologies and directions.

I am also particularly interested in virtualization technologies, specifically KVM and KSM. I have done an amount of personal research with ZRAM, and would appreciate meeting some of the developers / maintainers of these components to discuss the direction and future of virt technology

At the 9/14/2010 subsidy meeting, hotel costs only were approved. Please locate a roommate who is also being subsidized and mark that person on the wiki for roomsharing.


I see that Dave is rooming with Hiemanshu. That means we can close this ticket now.

Milestone Tempe 2011: Travel subsidies complete deleted

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