#267 Funding request for Pascal Calarco
Closed: Invalid None Opened 12 years ago by pcalarco.

Please set the "Component" below to the correct event for your request.

Tell us the following:

I would like to request coverage for shared hotel accommodation. I will pay for my own travel to/from Blackburg (cost: ~$450-$500). Tentatively, I'll room with Peter Borsa (asrob). I will also likely be renting a car, and driving in from Lynchburg or Greensboro, to reduce costs. I might suggest that we put together a rideshare board for this FUDCon, since travel is a bit trickier than in previous FUDCons.

Our Insight (stickster, asrob, nirik, pcalarco)_focus this year will be on a hackathon on Fedora Insight's calendar uses (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Insight_use_cases_for_calendar). We aim to have a Drupal 7 dev environment ready in time for FUDCon Blacksburg, and will work with teams attending to build out a prototype of their calendar use cases during the Hackathon, and we'll follow up with them remotely after FUDCon ends.

I will also try to have a Fedora Weekly News in-person meetup for those beat writers who are attending. Thanks!

Agreed to fund for $189 for shared hotel room.

Milestone Blacksburg 2012: Travel Subsidies Granted deleted

I am cleaning up the track, Can we close this ticket ?

This ticket is being closed because the FUDCon event to which it applies already happened. If this is an error, please accept my apologies, and feel free to reopen the ticket.

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