#6581 os-x sierra + FreeIPA
Closed: Invalid None Opened 7 years ago by gjanssen.

Users cannot get past the os-x login screen. First time login user gets the password change dialog pop-up at the login screen (so yes - they can authenticate), but cannot update their password.

If I login as another user (myself), then kinit as this user - I can authenticate with their one time password, then am prompted to change the password (and it does.)

grant@iotrashcan03:~[20161227-10:51][#4]% kinit user3                                                                                                               
user3@PRODUCTION.EFILM.COM's password: 
Password has expired
Changing password
New password: ********
Repeat new password: ********
grant@iotrashcan03:~[20161227-10:52][#5]% klist                                                                                                                     
Credentials cache: API:DD52CBE1-0738-42D1-9F94-92F0A43F3766
        Principal: user3@PRODUCTION.EFILM.COM

  Issued                Expires               Principal
Dec 27 10:51:55 2016  Dec 28 10:51:19 2016  krbtgt/PRODUCTION.EFILM.COM@PRODUCTION.EFILM.COM


After that, the new user can authenticate at the login screen - but they open to a blank desktop. No home directory is created.
I am unable to create home directories in the conventional way.

grant@iotrashcan03:/var/setup[20161227-10:56][#13]% sudo createhomedir -c -a
creating home directories for (iotrashcan03.production.efilm.com)
Entity: line 1: parser error : Document is empty
Entity: line 1: parser error : Document is empty
Entity: line 1: parser error : Document is empty
Entity: line 1: parser error : Document is empty
Entity: line 1: parser error : Document is empty
[ this repeats for all users in the IPA directory ]

createhomedir behaved the same even after I kinit as myself (full adminstrative rights).

My issues appear to revolve around an LDAP mapping issue. Kerberos tickets are granted with kinit from the command line - so krb is fine. It’s just some ’thing’ in opendirectory.


grant@iotrashcan03:/var/setup[20161227-8:04][#8]% sudo odutil show configuration /LDAPv3/ef-idm01.production.efilm.com
    description = "production.efilm.com";
    mappings =     {
        attributes =         (
        function = "ldap:translate_recordtype";
        recordtypes =         {
            "dsRecTypeStandard:Groups" =             {
                attributetypes =                 {
                    "dsAttrTypeStandard:GroupMembership" =                     {
                        native = memberUID;
                    "dsAttrTypeStandard:PrimaryGroupID" =                     {
                        native = gidNumber;
                    "dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordName" =                     {
                        native = cn;
                info =                 {
                    "Group Object Classes" = OR;
                    "Object Classes" =                     (
                    "Search Base" = "cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=production,dc=efilm,dc=com";
            "dsRecTypeStandard:Users" =             {
                attributetypes =                 {
                    "dsAttrTypeStandard:AuthenticationAuthority" =                     {
                        native = uid;
                    "dsAttrTypeStandard:GeneratedUID" =                     {
                        native = "#F1902EBE-4528-401D-9437-50$uidNumber$";
                    "dsAttrTypeStandard:HomeDirectory" =                     {
                        native = "#/Users/$uid$";
                    "dsAttrTypeStandard:NFSHomeDirectory" =                     {
                        native = "#/Users/$uid$";
                    "dsAttrTypeStandard:PrimaryGroupID" =                     {
                        native = gidNumber;
                    "dsAttrTypeStandard:RealName" =                     {
                        native = cn;
                    "dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordName" =                     {
                        native = uid;
                    "dsAttrTypeStandard:UniqueID" =                     {
                        native = uidNumber;
                    "dsAttrTypeStandard:UserShell" =                     {
                        native = loginShell;
                info =                 {
                    "Group Object Classes" = OR;
                    "Object Classes" =                     (
                    "Search Base" = "dc=production, dc=efilm, dc=com";
    "module options" =     {
        AppleODClient =         {
            "Server Mappings" = 0;
        ldap =         {
            "Denied SASL Methods" =             (
            "LDAP Referrals" = 0;
            "Use DNS replicas" = 0;
    "node name" = "ef-idm01.production.efilm.com";
    options =     {
        "connection idle disconnect" = 60;
        "connection setup timeout" = 10;
        destination =         {
            host = "ef-idm01.production.efilm.com";
            other = ldap;
            port = 389;
        "man-in-the-middle" = 0;
        "no cleartext authentication" = 0;
        "packet encryption" = 1;
        "packet signing" = 1;
        "query timeout" = 10;
    template = LDAPv3;
    trusttype = anonymous;
    uuid = "3516F40F-AABB-4F33-ADC3-4E2F678ABF5D";
grant@iotrashcan03:/var/setup[20161227-8:04][#9]% cat /etc/pam.d/authorization
# authorization: auth account
auth       optional       pam_krb5.so use_first_pass use_kcminit default_principal
auth       sufficient     pam_krb5.so use_first_pass default_principal
auth       optional       pam_ntlm.so use_first_pass
auth       required       pam_opendirectory.so use_first_pass nullok
account    required       pam_opendirectory.so
grant@iotrashcan03:/var/setup[20161227-8:04][#10]% cat /Library/Preferences/edu.mit.Kerberos 
 .production.efilm.com = PRODUCTION.EFILM.COM
 production.efilm.com = PRODUCTION.EFILM.COM

  pkinit_anchors = FILE:/etc/ipa/ca.crt

 default_realm = PRODUCTION.EFILM.COM
 allow_weak_crypto = yes
 dns_lookup_realm = false
 dns_lookup_kdc = true
 rdns = true
 ticket_lifetime = 24h
 forwardable = yes
 renewable = true


SRV records are served via DNS, so a lean /Library/Preferences/edu.mit.Kerberos file is not my issue.

host keytab was generated on IPA master and copied to host.
host has a kerberos principal (though I doubt kerberos is my issue).

grant@ef-idm01:~[20161230-7:09][#85]$ ipa host-show iotrashcan02.production.efilm.com
  Host name: iotrashcan02.production.efilm.com
  Principal name: host/iotrashcan02.production.efilm.com@PRODUCTION.EFILM.COM
  MAC address: 00:60:DD:43:18:CE
  Password: False
  Keytab: True
  Managed by: iotrashcan02.production.efilm.com
  SSH public key fingerprint: C2:71:DC:6B:DA:E6:90:D8:DE:84:03:69:32:70:EA:ED (ssh-dss), 7D:A4:CB:E1:5C:41:47:65:DE:0A:F6:41:E5:9E:26:44 (ssh-rsa)

What do you suppose I missed?
I am suspecting an LDAP -> OpenDirectory mapping issue.
But I feel like I've already tried "everything"

This bug is more a question. I'd suggest to post it on freeipa-users mailing list where more people who has experience with such setup can answer. https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/freeipa-users

I'd like to help you, but unfortunately we don't have an answer for you. Mainly because we don't test with OSX.

Given that we don't where is the issue - if it is in FreeIPA or somewhere else, I'm going to close this ticket.

If you or somebody else find a bug to be fixed in FreeIPA which is needed for the setup to run then please reopen or file a new ticket.

Metadata Update from @gjanssen:
- Issue assigned to someone
- Issue set to the milestone: 0.0 NEEDS_TRIAGE

7 years ago

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