#4986 Web UI misses check box to create a user without private group
Closed: Fixed None Opened 9 years ago by alich.

There is no option to create a new user without the user private group at the same time (--noprivate). This option is allowed via CLI.

FreeIPA, version:

Actually it's the other way around.

User private group (UPG) is created with the user by default. This behavior could be suppressed in CLI with option --noprivate. It could not be done in Web UI. Therefore I would say that:

Web UI lacks "Don't create user private group" checkbox in user adder dialog.

It seems good to me, both patch and functionality. Tested on build + patch:

Reworded title, based on comment:1.


  • 2361ac1 webui: option to not create user private group

Metadata Update from @alich:
- Issue assigned to pvoborni
- Issue set to the milestone: FreeIPA 4.2

7 years ago

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