#3095 [RFE] Automatically update resolve.conf as new replicas are deployed
Closed: wontfix 5 years ago Opened 11 years ago by dpal.

This ticket calls for a daemon that would keep resolve.conf in sync with the list of replicas that have DNS service running.

IMO this ticket would depend on two other pieces of technology:
- Notifications from DS https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/1593. In this case the notifications can be configured to inform when a replica with the DNS server up is added. The daemon would listen to the notifications and update resolve.conf with the latest list of servers
- Not all the servers should probably put into the resolve.conf. There should be a way to tag a set of servers that are co-located in the same data center or GEO location and allow only adding those into the resolve.conf. For that to work we would have to add some attributes to the replica entries and then manage it in UI/CLI. Separate tickets should be open for each part of work. Tickets should cover:
- Schema work
- UI
- man pages
- docs
Once the the tagging is done the daemon will check what group the server belongs and add only those replicas that are in the same group.

This information should be provided by the DHCP server, so I would make it a feature of DHCP integration and not a standalone one-off.

Replying to [comment:2 simo]:

This information should be provided by the DHCP server, so I would make it a feature of DHCP integration and not a standalone one-off.

Can you please elaborate? Are you saying that the daemon described is going to be a DHCP server? So you suggest that for this to work automatically we woudl have to have a DHCP server on every replica? I doubt that would fly but I might be missing something so please explain in more details how you see it would work.

Metadata Update from @dpal:
- Issue assigned to someone
- Issue set to the milestone: Ticket Backlog

7 years ago

Thank you taking time to submit this request for FreeIPA. Unfortunately this bug was not given priority and the team lacks the capacity to work on it at this time.

Given that we are unable to fulfil this request I am closing the issue as wontfix. To request re-consideration of this decision please reopen this issue and provide additional technical details about its importance to you.

Metadata Update from @rcritten:
- Issue close_status updated to: wontfix
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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