#2387 Ambiguous error msg in automount indirect map creation
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by mkosek.

https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=790131 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6)

Description of problem:
The error msg refers to the process of creating indirect automount map via
When user give non-exist parent map value, the error dialogue box says:
<Automount location>: automount map not found

This is confusing because it does not point out which automount map does not
exist while there are two automount map in the previous dialogue. It would be
much clear if the error msg says something like "parent map xxx (give value
here) not found".

This isn't strictly Web UI bug. The error message comes from server so it is the same in CLI and therefore it should be fixed in a server code.

Also the bug description isn't entirely correct. When adding indirect automount map we may or not specify a parent map. When parent map is not specified a fallback 'auto.master' map is used. If 'auto-master' map doesn't exist following error message is shown:

{{{<Automount location>: automount map not found}}}

This is wrong.

But if we specify a map which doesn't exist. It shows this message:

{{{<Specified map name>: automount map not found}}}}

This is correct.

Patch freeipa-mkosek-238-improve-automount-indirect-map-error-message.patch sent for review

Metadata Update from @mkosek:
- Issue assigned to mkosek
- Issue set to the milestone: FreeIPA 2.2 Core Effort - 2012/03

7 years ago

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