#1862 hbactest does not resolve canonical names during simulation.
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by rcritten.


Description of problem:
During hbacrule-add-host, adding canonical names e.g. "scroponok" resolves them to "scroponok.lab.eng.pnq.redhat.com", however, during ipa hbactest, entering "scroponok" doesn't work. I had to enter "scroponok.lab.eng.pnq.redhat.com" explicitly.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

How reproducible:

Steps to Reproduce:
1. [root@kungfupanda ~]# ipa hbacrule-add-host 
Rule name: rule1
[member host]: cavenger
[member host group]: 
  Rule name: rule1
  Enabled: TRUE
  Hosts: cavenger.lab.eng.pnq.redhat.com
Number of members added 1

2.[root@kungfupanda ~]# ipa hbactest
User name: kaushik
Source host: scroponok.lab.eng.pnq.redhat.com
Target host: cavenger.lab.eng.pnq.redhat.com
Service: sshd
Access granted: True

3. # ipa hbactest
User name: kaushik
Source host: scroponok
Target host: cavenger
Service: sshd
Access granted: False

Actual results: Does not resolve the canonical name and displays "Access granted: False"

Expected results: Should resolve canonical name and display "Access granted: True" as it does while entering the complete fqdn.

Additional info:

Apparently, in Bugzilla original bug is marked as duplicate to bugzilla #736276. Closing this as duplicate as well.

If this is the case, can you please update the BZ #740850 that this ticket is pointing to? It is still open and pointing to this closed bug.

Wait, this is wrong one. I should have closed 1860.

Metadata Update from @rcritten:
- Issue assigned to abbra
- Issue set to the milestone: FreeIPA 2.1.3 (bug fixing)

7 years ago

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