#815 abrt bugzilla deduplicator
Closed None Opened 12 years ago by jmoskovc.

= phenomenon =
abrt bugzilla deduplicator

= background analysis =
ABRT team recently deployed another ABRT server side project which scans ABRT reports in bugzilla detects duplicates and can even decide if it's a problem with some library or in the application. So far we found about 2000 bugs which we'd like to close as duplicates or reassign to a proper component which should help lower the signal/noise ratio of ABRTreports and help maintainers triaging ABRT reports.

= implementation recommendation =
The de-duplication process should be done on a regular basis, so we would like to have a special bz account for it with proper permissions (reassigning components, closing).

I think this is a great plan. +1.

Adding meeting keyword in case it doesn't get enough votes in tickets to pass before next meeting.

+1 from me. Note that FESCo can't create the bz account; that's infrastrucutre/RH IT.

+1, please send a heads-up mail to fedora-devel (e.g. telling maintainers how to contact the bot owners to report bugs).

From the 2012-03-05 FESCo meeting:

  • AGREED: abrt bugzilla deduplicator is approved. go forth and do it

You'll need to work with infrastructure on getting the account created.

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