#692 Adjust FESCo election policy
Closed None Opened 12 years ago by cwickert.

= Proposal topic =

Allow QA members to run for FESCo.

= Overview =

Current [http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FESCo_election_policy FESCo election policy] states that candidates must be members of the 'packager' group in FAS:
{{{Candidates may be any member of the packager group in the Fedora Accounts System.}}}
However with John we now have a [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Development/SteeringCommittee/Nominations#John_Dulaney_.28j_dulaney.29 candidate from QA].

= Problem space =

The requirement that candidates must be from the packagers group is a relic from the time when there was no official QA group. Now that we have one, we should allow these people to run for FESCo

= Solution Overview =

Allow members from the packager and QA to run for FESCo.

= Active Ingredients =

FESCo election policy

= Owners =


For the record: QA currently has 10 members, most of them are packagers already, see

And of course I am +1 to my own proposal :)

FESCo decision:

jdulaney is acceptable candidate for this FESCo elections

mjg59 will start discussion about candidates for FESCo on fedora-devel -> next meeting

Didn't see the discussion - my proposal would be some combination of packager, qa, proventester, rel-eng.

We're not enthusiastic about just adding QA, and right now we don't have a solid idea what a real solution would look like. Closing for now until someone brings another proposal.

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