#659 Sponsor Request: "Miroslav Suchý" <msuchy@redhat.com>
Closed None Opened 12 years ago by msuchy.

== Full Name ==

"Miroslav Suchý" <msuchy@redhat.com>

== Qualifications ==

== Rationale ==

Very often when I want to to review package which interest me - the package block FE-NEEDSPONSOR
E.g. recently https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=729199

I can do informal review (and I done few time in past), but then the review usually stuck for long time waiting for sponsor.

Additionally I'm quite often approached by packager newbies in our office, which ask me for help with packaging and getting package into Fedora. I can share wisdom with them, but I can not help them with last item, sponsoring. I forward them to list of sponsor, but I would like to help them directly and baby sit them through whole process of becoming Fedora Packager.

Sent to list for feedback.

On list: 4 +1, 1 -1. Moving to meeting.

This was approved at the 2011-08-22 FESCo meeting.

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