#587 Check if localized manual pages are up to date
Closed None Opened 13 years ago by djasa.

= Proposal topic =

Check if localized manual pages are up to date

= Overview =

Pretty often, localized manual pages are outdated to the point they are unusable. We should check it and if they indeed are, either users should be warned, or localized pages should be dropped from release

= Problem space =

What problem are we attempting to solve with this proposal?

= Solution Overview =

  1. Check if manual pages are up-to-date

a) update packaging policy so man pages contain standardized header indicating version of package the page applies to

b) check "highlighted" text in pages is the same

  1. if the localized page is older than English one, do either of these:

a) drop localized page from release

b) add a big fat warning to the page

my idea is to add a message to standard "man xyz" a notice about man pages with the same name something like:
man printf

printf - format and print data
That means a change in man-db (man) package.

Forgot to add meeting keyword to this, but will try and bring it up at todays meeting.

FESCo would like you to work with the man-db maintainer/upstream for a solution here. A warning or note when the localized man pages are out of date seems like something that could easily be added.

After that it's a matter of getting all the packages that hit that warning to update and fix their localized man pages. ;)

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