#502 xulrunner is bundling libsqlite
Closed None Opened 13 years ago by hicham.

= Proposal topic =

xulrunner in Fedora 13 and up bundles sqlite due to mozilla forcing sqlite to be built with SQLITE_SECURE_DELETE. gecko-maint have chosen to use the bundled one as a temporary solution, but lasting for several releases doesn't make it temporary.

= Overview =

Have a real solution for this situation, ie, ask mozilla to reconsider in https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=546162, issue an exception, or build sqlite in fedora with SQLITE_SECURE_DELETE.

= Problem space =

Problem is obvious, we are facing a package bundling a library.

= Solution Overview =

As noted above in the overview, we have three options.

= Active Ingredients =

What groups/systems/things are involved and/or affected by the proposal? gecko-maint

= Owners =


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