#485 Revisit Bundled Libraries process
Closed None Opened 13 years ago by kevin.

Currently, we have the following policy on bundling libraries with packages in Fedora:


This page attempts to explain why bundling libraries is bad and how to work to fix it.
However, it also allows for a 'exception' from FESCo. The FPC has attempted to add reasons exceptions would be granted, but sometimes the exception is arbitrary and can't be codified. Currently this leads to pretty much anyone having a package with bundled libs requesting an exception. I would like to improve this process.

ProposalA: We ask FPC if they would be willing to handle exceptions to this guideline. If so, we delegate this power to them. Only in rare cases where someone wants to appeal should the matter be brought up to FESCo.

ProposalB: We ask FPC if the bundling guidelines could be relaxed in some way. Rawhide only or allowed with proper documentation, or allowed after some specific steps are followed, or other means to prevent the need for so many exception requests.

ProposalC: We continue as we are with FESCo deciding exceptions for all bundling packages on a case-by-case basis.

A few notes:

ProposalA: FPC asked if FESCo would be okay with FPC taking over the exception process. It's one of the options that we're looking at and we want to make sure its not an option that FESCo is vehemently against.

ProposalB: There have been a few options pushed around. I don't have a clear picture of whether any of them could gather enough votes to be approved (we're sacrificing security and maintainability for expedience and not everybody agrees where to draw the line). One that had some popular appeal was to allow bundling as long as the maintainer commits to keeping the bundled library updated to the latest version in Fedora. (Versions would be tracked via the bundled(LIB) = %{version} virtual provide that's in the current guideline). After discussing the options FPC will look at whether any of these options passes muster for them.

fesco passed:

AGREED: A with the addition of: "If the rejection from FPC has some
dissenting votes, it can be appealed to Fesco"

Good luck.

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