#5351 unable to edit mine project's Trac wiki
Closed: Fixed None Opened 7 years ago by jhutar.

= bug description =
I'm unable to edit https://fedorahosted.org/rpmfluff/wiki.

= bug analysis =
I can log-in, but I cant see "Edit" button.

= fix recommendation =
I'm sure I have heard about some outage on FedoraProject, so maybe this is related?


This is likely some fallout with us locking down permissions due the spam attack we are under.

I have granted your user wiki_admin, so you should now be able to edit.

Please re-open if you still see any issues.

Hello. For some reason I still do not see "Edit" button. Now I see this warning on the page:

Warning: Error with navigation contributor "BrowserModule"

I'm not sure, but I believe it was not there before.

Yes, that warning is due to us moving the git repo in that other ticket. ;)

ok. I think I have fixed the wiki for you... can you confirm you can edit now?

Yep, I can edit the wiki now. Thank you!

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