#4322 TLSA record for fedoraproject.org is invalid
Closed: Fixed None Opened 10 years ago by jvcelak.


current TLSA DNS record for fedoraproject.org is invalid, probably as a consequence of the changed certificate.

Please, can you fix that? (I haven't checked other Fedora domains.)

$ openssl s_client -connect fedoraproject.org:443 -showcerts </dev/null > /tmp/fedora.certs
$ danetool --check=fedoraproject.org --load-certificate /tmp/fedora.certs
Querying fedoraproject.org (tcp:443)...
_443._tcp.fedoraproject.org. IN TLSA ( 00 00 01 d4c4c99819f3a5f2c6261c9444c62a8b263b39bc6acce35cdcabe272d5037fb2 )
Certificate usage: CA (00)
Certificate type: X.509 (00)
Contents: SHA2-256 hash (01)
Data: d4c4c99819f3a5f2c6261c9444c62a8b263b39bc6acce35cdcabe272d5037fb2

Verification: Verification failed. CA constrains were violated.

please update to:

_443._tcp.fedoraproject.org. IN TLSA 0 0 1 19400be5b7a31fb733917700789d2f0a2471c0c9d506c0e504c06c16d7cb17c0

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