#3745 [Jenkins] project request: gimp-help-2
Closed: Fixed None Opened 11 years ago by romanofski.


The official user manual for GIMP (http://www.gimp.org)

Contact: RĂ³man Joost/rjoost@redhat.com

Sources: git://git.gnome.org/gimp-help-2

Remarks: The project might need some dependencies installed. More
specifically the following packages:

* libxslt
* libxml2
* docbook-style-xsl
* gettext

Thanks a lot!

# rpm -q libxslt libxml2 gettext docbook-style-xsl

are now installed and available on the Fedora node.

Ok you should be able to login on jenkins and access this page http://jenkins.cloud.fedoraproject.org/job/gimp-help-2/configure where you will be able to complete the remaining configuration (I took the liberty to start it: configure git, how often it builds, the build node to use).

Feel free to ask here or pingou on #fedora-admin if you need more help/have additional questions.

Thanks a lot for the configuration. I'll need a few more packages it seems to get the pig flying :D

  • automake
  • make

While I'm at it, on the Jenkins side: is there a possible way to '''enable the SSH/SCP plugin'''? After a successful built I'd love to push the generated HTML to cube.gtk.org.

Replying to [comment:3 romanofski]:

Thanks a lot for the configuration. I'll need a few more packages it seems to get the pig flying :D

  • automake
  • make

Installed on the F18 node

While I'm at it, on the Jenkins side: is there a possible way to '''enable the SSH/SCP plugin'''? After a successful built I'd love to push the generated HTML to cube.gtk.org.

We're discussing this, but we're not quite convinced yet, does not seem a really nice idea from a security point of view.

Replying to [comment:4 pingou]:

Replying to [comment:3 romanofski]:

While I'm at it, on the Jenkins side: is there a possible way to '''enable the SSH/SCP plugin'''? After a successful built I'd love to push the generated HTML to cube.gtk.org.

We're discussing this, but we're not quite convinced yet, does not seem a really nice idea from a security point of view.

Ok so looking at how is connects via ssh, we believe this might lead to a nice security gap. There is one key set-up on all the nodes for all the projects. Meaning anyone with access to jenkins could cat the key and connect to your server and also all the other servers that are using this approach.

So the short answer is no :)

I see that the project is failing to build at the moment but did build successfully in the past. Does it mean you're all set-up? Can I help with something else?

It's all good. The failure is caused due to the lack of translations for Korean content.

Regarding the SSH/SCP plugin: I thought I used this one in the past: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Publish+Over+SSH+Plugin

Obviously it should only store the public key per project. I don't know if that is possible. I wonder if there is another way I could sync the files, since I was hoping to configure the build to a point where I can automatically build and push a release. If all fails, I might be able to write a script running on the cube site, which polls/rsync's built files.

Thanks a lot for the setup and your help!!

For what I can see the configuration of this plugin is system wide rather than per-project, which eventually could also mean that not only your project would be able to push there.

If you see another plugin that would help you feel free to ask

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