#326 Traffic statistics per URL for Smolt
Closed: Fixed None Opened 16 years ago by ynemoy.

I would like to see which URLs are being used. THsi will let me determine how many people are using which versions of the client. If the process could be automated to make a weekly or bi-monthly report, that would be most effective.

Here's a lookieloo for december.

1 "CFNetwork/129.22"
1 "CFNetwork/220"
1 dvd
1 "ee://aol/http"
1 "ia_archiver-web.archive.org"
1 "iearthworm/1.0,
1 "Kazehakase/0.5.0"
1 "libcurl-agent/1.0"
1 "libwww-perl/5.79"
1 "libwww-perl/5.803"
1 "libwww-perl/5.806"
1 "Linkbot
1 "Links
1 "Missigua
1 "Mozilla/6.0
1 ms-6788
1 "None"
1 "Opera/9.0
1 "ShopWiki/1.0
1 "Sleipnir/2.6.0"
1 "User-Agent:
1 "WWW-Mechanize/1.20"
1 "yourname"
1 "Z-Add
1 "Zippy
2 "GigaBot/1.0"
2 "HMSE_Robot"
2 "Intelix/0.8
2 "Java/1.6.0_02"
2 "KSeeker/KSeeker-2.0
2 "Mail.Ru/1.0"
2 "Microsoft
2 "NokiaE61-1/3.0
2 "NutchCVS
2 "Opera/8.5
2 "page_verifier
2 "shelob
2 "w3m/0.5.2"
2 "Wget/1.8.2"
2 "WordPress/MU"
2 "Wouah/Nutch-0.9
3 "Mozilla/4.76
3 "voyager/1.0"
3 "Wget/1.1
3 "yacybot
3 "Yeti/0.01i
4 "Avant
4 "Gigabot/2.0
4 "gnome-vfs/2.20.0
4 "GurujiBot/1.0
4 "lanshanbot/1.0"
4 "LinkChecker/4.7
4 "Nokia6682/2.0
4 "Python-urllib/1.16"
4 "sogou
5 ""
5 "Gigabot/3.0
5 "gnome-vfs/2.20.1
5 "libwww-perl/5.805"
5 "urlgrabber/2.9.6"
6 "CazoodleBot/Nutch-0.9-dev
6 "ccubee/2008"
6 "Clustera
6 "Grub/2.0
6 "http://Anonymouse.org/
6 "LijitSpider/Nutch-0.9
6 "Mozilla/3.0
6 "Yeti/0.01
7 "curl/7.17.1
7 "Java/1.5.0-p3"
7 "Opera/9.21
7 "StackRambler/2.0
7 "yacy
7 "Yandex/2.01.000
8 "Nokia6820/2.0
8 "Opera/6.03
8 "Opera/7.54
8 "Opera/8.53
8 "Opera/9.00
8 "Opera/9.01
8 "VadixBot"
9 "Mozilla/4.5
10 "eZ
10 "Java/1.6.0_03"
10 "PlantyNet_WebRobot_V1.9
10 "Yahoo-MMCrawler/3.x
11 "SurveyBot/2.3
11 "TurnitinBot/2.1
12 "holmes/3.12.1
12 "MaSagool/Mozilla/5.0
16 "ELinks/0.11.3
19 "Sogou
20 "Googlebot-Image/1.0"
23 "\"Mp3Bot/1.0
23 "Speedy
24 "larbin_2.6.3
28 "Opera/9.22
29 "Java/1.4.2_03"
29 "Snapbot/1.0
31 "SiteBar/3.3.8
32 "bwh3_user_agent"
32 "facebookexternalhit/1.0
34 "IIITBOT/1.1
38 "CazoodleBot/CazoodleBot-0.1
46 "Opera/9.02
50 "woriobot
71 "Mozilla/2.0
76 "Mozilla/4.0"
82 "disco/Nutch-1.0-dev
86 "Sosospider+(+http://help.soso.com/webspider.htm)"
102 "Opera/9.23
123 "-"
159 "msnbot-media/1.0
215 "Baiduspider+(+http://www.baidu.com/search/spider_jp.html)"
259 "Feedfetcher-Google;
312 "Baiduspider+(+http://www.baidu.com/search/spider.htm)"
375 "Opera/9.25
749 "Opera/9.50
916 "Opera/9.24
1029 "MJ12bot/v1.0.8
1756 "msnbot/1.0
6406 "Python-urllib/1.17"
10831 "check_http/1.99
23776 "gsa-crawler
29309 "Mozilla/4.0
37062 "smolt/.91"
79872 "Mozilla/5.0
118852 "smolt/0.97"

Let's see. I guess I could aggregate this data myself, and start making charts. None of this is very useful until i get next month's report. Once a month is good :). Right after the monthly checkins is good.

This was last modified 1.5 years ago... should this ticket remain open or should it be closed?

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