#2493 Creating a Block/View with most current issue of FWN on pt4 (Drupal)
Closed: Fixed None Opened 13 years ago by pcalarco.

= phenomenon =

At the last FI meeting on 11/18, my action item was to work on displaying the most recent issue of Fedora Weekly News on the front page of Fedora Insight (http://publictest4.fedoraproject.org/drupal)

= background analysis =

I figured the easiest way to do this was to place this within a Block in the default View for the site, and Peter Borsa confirmed this was a good approach. So, I first came across this bit of documentation (http://drupal.org/node/171224) about assigning content to regions in Drupal 6. I next logged into pt4 and looked at the 'Blocks' section of the site building menu, and saw that there is actually a block already defined for FWN. Perhaps this was there already and I forgot about it, or perhaps Peter defined this, but in any case, now that we already have this defined, it is simply a matter of providing another argument to limit how many nodes are displayed at once, eg. if we want to limit to the most current issue. I updated the display name for the FWN block to 'Fedora Weekly News', and then also looked at the current argument for the FWN block, defined as displaying 'Content: issue'. It is possible to override the number of items displayed here (default is 25), so I put '1' in that, saved, and voila, it now displays the latest issue, as it is sorted descending. .

= implementation recommendation =

This is ready for review at our next FI meeting.

It looks like this ticket can be closed; we have a correct view and block for this purpose now, see the test site for proof.

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