#1371 Update text on CLA page to make it clear you don't need to send a hard copy
Closed: Fixed None Opened 15 years ago by adamwill.

When a new FAS account is signing the CLA, they get a big grey text box with this text at the top:

" If you have not already done so, please complete an original signed Agreement. Use black ink, and hand-print or type the items other than the signature. Send the completed Agreement to
Fedora Project, c/o Red Hat, Inc.,
Attn: Legal Affairs
1801 Varsity Drive
Raleigh, North Carolina, 27606 U.S.A.

If necessary, you may send it by facsimile to the Project at +1-919-754-3704 or e-mail a signed pdf copy of the document to fedora-legal@redhat.com. Please read this document carefully before signing and keep a copy for your records. "

In fact, they can sign the CLA just by filling in the boxes at the bottom of the page and clicking "I agree". But many people just read the text box and then are put off by the idea of having to mail or fax a hard copy of the document - there have been multiple instances of this confusion arising on fedora-test-list lately. Please update the grey text box to make it clear that the CLA can be signed electronically.

I can't really cite a URL because it's dynamically generated, but you get to the page by creating a new FAS account, logging in, and clicking the "Complete it!" link for the CLA.

spot, can I go ahead and get rid of that text? It's on both the web page and in the text version of the CLA that fas gives to people.


It's not a part of the CLA text on the wiki:


I vaguely recall that no one's watching for faxed/sent messages anymore (there's definitely nothing hooked up to email).

Please. I thought it was already gone.

fixed and deployed. Thanks for reporting!

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