#87 I'm not a Ronin!
Closed: Pushed None Opened 10 years ago by laxathom.

What the badge should be granted for: being sponsored in one of the fi-apprentice group

Badge description (like "You get sponsored in fi-apprentice group!"):
Anything else we need to know:

for the record ronin is a japanese word refering to a samurai without a master.

Thanks for the suggestion! Triaging.

Note for those playing along at home: fi-apprentice is for infrastructure apprentices, you get this access while they teach you not to blow everything up, apparently.

"No Ronin" might be a shorter neater version of the badge name? "I'm not a Ronin!" is fine though. For the description perhaps "(You) became an infrastructure apprentice." for a straightforward one? Can't think of a 'fun' one right now.

Thanks for the suggestion! Triaging.

Note for those playing along at home: fi-apprentice is for infrastructure apprentices, you get this access while they teach you not to blow everything up, apparently.

"No Ronin" might be a shorter neater version of the badge name? "I'm not a Ronin!" is fine though. For the description perhaps "(You) became an infrastructure apprentice." for a straightforward one? Can't think of a 'fun' one right now.

"No Ronin" works perfect for me.

And yeah I do know what fi-apprentices stand for as I'm in the infra team ;)

+1 for the description, yeah I wish I had a funnier one to propose :/

"No Ronin" works perfect for me.

And yeah I do know what fi-apprentices stand for as I'm in the infra team ;)

+1 for the description, yeah I wish I had a funnier one to propose :/

laxathom: the note was for others who work on the badge who may not know what fi-apprentice is :)

laxathom: the note was for others who work on the badge who may not know what fi-apprentice is :)

that's cute :) but i thought pandas were packagers?

that's cute :) but i thought pandas were packagers?

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