#377 Badge for Fedora packagers
Closed: Rejected None Opened 8 years ago by pranvk.

What the badge should be granted for: For getting sponsored into packager group.
Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"): You got sponsored into packager group
Anything else we need to know: I am not sure if such badge exists or not. I couldn't find it.

Thanks for the idea! There is no such badge yet, but I think I'd like to reject this one before we get too far along. We already have many many badges for packager-related activity (pushing to git, building in koji, failing to build in koji, submitting an update, changing ACLs, etc, etc..) The packagers are over-represented in Fedora Badges -- I'd like to prioritize other kinds of contributions to Fedora if we can.

Thanks again!

Metadata Update from @pranvk:
- Issue tagged with: , packager

7 years ago

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