#9 Additional LCA Trip Reimbursements
Closed: Fixed None Opened 13 years ago by azneita.

I just did a cleanup of my trip receipts and I believe some of them can be reimbursed. I have tried my best to exclude my personal expenses. If any fell through the cracks, feel free to call my attention regarding any item that you feel should not be included.

Lastly, I never imagined foreign exchange through multiple countries to be such a challenge. The rates I used for this reimbursement is obviously skewed in my favor (for this date). Feel free to adjust them if necessary. The original amounts for the items are unchanged.


Could you pdf and send the receipts as well?


Hi Harish!

I tried earlier the fedora-apac trac instance has a 200kb file upload limit. The receipts (and other files) are here: http://azneita.fedorapeople.org/LCA2011/


You could zip it up though :-).


I only managed to bring it down to 398kb using tar.gz ;-)

No problem. Splitting the file is another option. No issues. I've gotten it from your page.


Herson -

Reimbursed via paypal in two transactions. Please check.


Many thanks for the reimbursement Harish.

I'm just curious, what items were excluded from the reimbursement? It will be a great guide for my future reimbursements. Again, thanks.

Hmm. Only took out the hotel bill. Paid out everything else in the receipts you sent in via PDF. Did I miss out something?


You missed out the UQ internet ($9.90) Jan24 and the go card reload ($20) Jan28 - probably because both lacked formal receipts.

The former really didn't have a receipt (just the credentials document) while the latter, though noted in my personal expense log, has only the submitted tape receipt on the receipts pdf to show that the expense indeed happened.

For the UQConnect, I can't find something advertising the prices but the details are here - http://uqconnect.net/visitor/ and their contact details are listed.

For the GoCard Add Value, let's just say that on Jan 24th, the card has ~$30. With one-way bus fare at ~$4, in less than 4 days, it should have run out. I added $20 to the card on Jan 28th - the submitted receipt shows that on the 28th, it has $20.85.

I'm really sorry it came down to this. Next time, I'll ask for receipts.

The next time I send you a reimbursement, I'll add $30 to it to cover this. Is that acceptable?


Replying to [comment:11 mspevack]:

The next time I send you a reimbursement, I'll add $30 to it to cover this. Is that acceptable?

Very much so and I promise to get and to hold on to those receipts. Thanks Max.


Metadata Update from @azneita:
- Issue assigned to harishpillay

7 years ago

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