#48659 search over rest389 does not work for root DSE
Closed: wontfix None Opened 8 years ago by pspacek.

URL always /v1/ldap//base returns HTTP error 404, even when logged in as cn=Directory manager.

Tested with rest389 2cea971040396e73802aae9854b4dfa9523ee2b0.

Added new resources:


Also consolidated whoami into the ldap resource


Thank you!

I have a side-note: A while back William and me were thinking about using /dit instead of /ldap.

In my eyes it makes sense to separate operations 'on data' in DIT from other things like LDAP WhoAmI to avoid confusion...

Replying to [comment:6 pspacek]:

Thank you!

I have a side-note: A while back William and me were thinking about using /dit instead of /ldap.

That's fine. I think of "ldap" as "ldap operations", but I can change it.

In my eyes it makes sense to separate operations 'on data' in DIT from other things like LDAP WhoAmI to avoid confusion...

I thought you wanted ldap whoami in the ldap resource?

I was confused by the combination. It was something like:
"/whoami is logically subset of LDAP, right, so why /whoami is not under

I feel "dit" is too specific in this case, which I why I liked "ldap". Using "dit" really leaves whoami without a proper home. Perhaps "whoami" can go into a utility resource, but I'm not sure if we will have anything else that would go into a "utility" resource. I'll discuss this with William...

Revised patch. Left "whoami" in original location/end point, changed "ldap" to "dit", and added:


Looks okay to me.

Given that whoami is an extended op, maybe we need /v1/exop/whoami ?

I'm also happy leaving it in the root, as it's a nice simple diagnostic tool too.

Replying to [comment:9 firstyear]:

Looks okay to me.

Given that whoami is an extended op, maybe we need /v1/exop/whoami ?

Perhaps, but I'm not sure there are other extended operations we want to expose to warrant a new resource.

For now lets leave it where it is - it can easily be changed later.

I'm also happy leaving it in the root, as it's a nice simple diagnostic tool too.

To ssh://git.fedorahosted.org/git/rest389.git
2cea971..3e2f3b6 master -> master
commit 3e2f3b6b975c0b2b1ec3e9aeff2eb4f09c1172be
Author: Mark Reynolds mreynolds@redhat.com
Date: Mon Apr 4 15:31:40 2016 -040

Metadata Update from @pspacek:
- Issue assigned to mreynolds
- Issue set to the milestone: rest389 1.0

7 years ago

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- https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/1788

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Metadata Update from @spichugi:
- Issue close_status updated to: wontfix (was: Fixed)

3 years ago

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