#232 Release Fedora 10 Alpha
Closed: Fixed None Opened 15 years ago by jkeating.

Make these changes on Tue 2008-07-29

At 45~ minutes to 1400 UTC set permissions on /pub/fedora/linux/releases/test/10-Alpha to 755 on releng1. This will allow the world to get to the content. This change will get picked up by snapmirror and make it out to the world.

At 20 minutes to 1400 UTC install the torrent .ini file to start the torrents going. Ensure that torrents are seeding correctly.

The directory permissions have been changed to 755. Working on the torrents now.

This has been released to the world, closing the ticket.

Metadata Update from @jkeating:
- Issue assigned to jkeating
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 10 Alpha

7 years ago

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