#186 Unfreeze Rawhide
Closed: Fixed None Opened 16 years ago by jkeating.

Change the inheritance of 'dist-rawhide' from 'f9-final' to 'dist-f10'. This will allow rawhide to pull in Fedora 10 content. Make sure to alert John Poelstra (poelcat on freenode) when you are doing this, as well as announce it on fedora-devel-announce.

This should be done once F9 update content is available for consumption. Requires that mirror manager no longer directs F9 requests to rawhide directories.

dist-rawhide now points to dist-f10. Hold on to your butts!

Metadata Update from @jkeating:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 9 Final

7 years ago

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